Whistleblowing.software: the software solution which ensures compliance according to EU rules

Whistleblowing EU Regulations

Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (23 Oct 2019)

EU Whistleblower protection

Protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law

European Council adopted rules on whistleblower protection. The rules require the creation of safe channels for reporting both within an organization – private or public – and to public authorities. It also provides a high level of protection to whistleblowers against retaliation and requires national authorities to adequately inform citizens and train public officials on how to deal with whistleblowing.

The main elements of the compromise include:

  • Creation of channels of reporting within companies/administrations: all companies with more than 50 employees will have to set up an internal procedure to handle whistleblowers’ reports. All state, regional administrations, and municipalities with over 10,000 inhabitants will also be covered by the new law.

  • Hierarchy of reporting channels: whistleblowers are encouraged to use internal channels within their organization first, before turning to external channels which public authorities are obliged to set up.

  • Feedback obligations for authorities and companies: obligation to respond and follow up to the whistleblowers’ reports within 3 months (with the possibility of extending this to 6 months for external channels in duly justified cases).

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Others regulations:

Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

  • GRECO is the authority who’s been entrusted by the Council of Europe in order to monitor the EU Members’ compliance with the EU standards in the Corruption field. According to the GRECO principles against corruption, the States have:
    • to ensure that the organisation, functioning and decision-making processes of public administrations take into account the need to combat corruption, in particular by ensuring as much transparency as is consistent with the need to achieve effectiveness (GP 9),
    • to ensure that the rules relating to the rights and duties of public officials take into account the requirements of the fight against corruption and provide for appropriate and effective disciplinary measures; promote further specifi-cation of the behaviour expected from public officials by appropriate means, such as codes of conduct (GP 10)

Currently, GRECO comprises 50 member States (49 European States and the United States of America).

Civil Law Convention on Corruption

It requires Contracting Parties to provide in their domestic law “for effective remedies for persons who have suffered damage as a result of acts of corruption, to enable them to defend their rights and interests, including the possibility of obtaining compensation for damage” (Art.1).

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